September 19, 2008

pony tail yay!!

Katie's first pony tail! FINALLY she has enough hair to do something with it! (well, she really doesnt' have enough hair but it fits into a rubber band so it works) I don't know if you can see it in these pictures but look hard!


Mrs. Boojwa said...

Its good to see you here in the blogging world! :) that's so crazy you have two kids now. But congratulations!! How much longer are you in Rexburg? I never go back anymore bc it feels like I don't know many people there anymore. I think the last time I went was in January for that open house. How's volleyball?

Caralee and Jon said...

Oh so cute! What is your schedules like this semester. We need to do something.

Catherine Rawson said...

Oh my!!! Look at my favorite kiddos! They're getting SOOOOO big! I hate it! I love and miss you guys so bad!

Bryce and Valerie Waite said...

You are a dork Tiffany She does not have a pony tail! You are funny! I think to have a pony tail it requires more than just one piece of hair but keep trying! Ha you are just trying to keep up with the waites'es? JK love ya!

LaNelle said...

how cute! I didn't have enough hair to really do anything with until I was three and now I have so much hair that I could give half of it away and still have more than most people!

Gus and Carolee Drake said...

Nope can't see it, nice try though! I'm going to cut some of Carlie's hair and make Sarah Jane a wig, there is probably enough for Katie too! Let me know!