August 12, 2011

Family Night

 So for family night we talked about Lehi's dream of the tree of life, and the kids were really interested in it, so our activity was actually doing it, getting to the tree- it was fun, Daniel first told them the story
 These are the obstacles in the way (we decided to do this 5 min before hand so it wasn't the greatest)
 Wesley being tempted to play Mario Kart with Daddy before he got to the tree (he almost broke)
Katie's temptation was getting her fingernails painted 
Here's my tree of life! I'm SUCH an artist!! :) 
I'm happy to say that both kids made it to the tree and partook of the fruit! 
And Wesley still got to play Mario Kart and Katie got her nails painted! :) 


Melanie Eastman said...

Hey Tiffany! I saw your blog link on Carolee's blog--your kids are so cute! Why didn't you live out there when I lived in DC for three years? That would have been a party! Levin and Darl were there for most of the time, so I guess that was good enough. :) I'll invite you to my blog if you give me your email address...

Melanie Eastman said... is my email address by the way

Heather said...

that is such an awesome idea! i love it! think after we move into our new house this wkend we'll do the same thing. and btw your kids just keep getting cuter and cuter!