August 1, 2011


Bumbo seats are the best!!

The kids have had a lot of fun in the good weather
playing in the pool and running around outside!
        Getting VERY dirty!!

Tommy has a certain kind of eczema that has been irritating
his skin so much! he scratched his head so much that it bled!
We took him to the doctor and are SO happy that the 2nd
creme we tried is working great! he doesn't scratch his head
anymore so we don't have to put socks on his hands when
he sleeps!
The only problem now is that he's got a lot of bald spots
where he scratched and pulled out his hair, i really hope
it grows back!! poor baby! He's 3 1/2 months old!!

 Our happy little guy!
 Camping in Virginia with Freddie and Dusti was a lot of fun! 
We had a really good spot! our first camping of the summer, hopefully
not our last! 
                         We had the perfect set up!! So beautiful! if only they had bathrooms!!

 Tommy's bed. he did SO well on the campout! his first one!
                                            Of course there was shooting!

  This picture perfect house sits on the Rappahannock river (i think) 
where we played in the nice water while we were camping! (Thanks Gregory!) 

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